L’Enfant Plan of the City of Washington
January 1791
Pierre Charles L’Enfant
After Congress authorized a federal district along the Potomac River, President Washington identified an area of land measuring 100 square miles where the...
Proclamation Establishing First Building Regulations
October 1791
President George Washington
Washington's proclamation specified building setbacks, heights and materials, among other related concerns. This proclamation is understood to be primarily...
Ellicott Map of the City of Washington
January 1792
Andrew Ellicott
This map, which reflects minor revisions to the L’Enfant Plan, became the first broadly circulated plan for Washington city. After Pierre L’Enfant’s...
An Act to Provide a Permanent System of Highways Lying Outside of Cities
March 1893
Fifty-Second U.S. Congress
Congress directed the DC Board of Commissioners “to prepare a plan for the extension of a permanent system of highways over all that portion of said District...
1894 District of Columbia Building Regulations Amendment
July 1894
District of Columbia Commissioners
This amendment restricts building heights in DC to generally the width of the street at the building front. In 1872, a year after Congress established a...
District of Columbia Highway Plan
April 1898
District of Columbia Commissioners
Developed by Olmsted and Associates, this plan is also known as the Permanent System of Highways. In the late nineteenth century, Washington was developing...
Act to Regulate the Height of Buildings in the District of Columbia
March 1899
Fiftieth U.S. Congress
More commonly known as the Height of Buildings Act of 1899, it mirrors the restrictions adopted by the D.C. Commissioner’s in 1894, with additional...
Report of the McMillan Senate Committee
June 1902
U.S. Senate Park Commission
Now commonly known as the McMillan Plan, the report reinforced L’Enfant Plan concepts with recommendations to formally develop the monumental core. It also...
Building Height of Act of 1910
June 1910
Sixty-first U.S. Congress
This act amends the 1899 building height act to provide more comprehensive regulations. Most notably it sets a formula whereby the maximum building height is...
Buchanan v. Warley
October 1917
U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States determined that ordinances prohibiting the sale of real property to Blacks in majority White-owned neighborhoods or...
Act creating a Zoning Commission
March 1920
Sixty-sixth U.S. Congress
An Act to regulate the Height, Area, and Use of buildings in the District of Columbia and to create a Zoning Commission. Establishes a D.C. Zoning...
DC Zoning Enabling Act
August 1920
D.C. Zoning Commission
This inaugural District of Columbia zoning ordinance provided height, area, and use regulations. Following Congress’ enabling legislation, the Zoning...
National Capital Park Commission Act
June 1924
Sixty-Eighth U.S. Congress
Congress established the National Capital Park Commission to plan and acquire a comprehensive park, parkway, and playground system for the National...
Annual Report of the National Capital Park Commission
June 1925
National Capital Park Commission
The Commission prepared annual reports that conveyed early activities and were submitted to Congress. The Commission’s annual authorization was $1,057,106,...
Annual Report of the Director of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital
January 1926
Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital
An annual report on the activities of the agency authorized to build and maintain public grounds, parks, monuments, and memorials in Washington. Operating...
City Planning Procedure
January 1926
Frederic A. Delano, Harland Bartholomew, et. al
Following requests from public officials, the American Civic Association (an American Planning Association predecessor) published selected papers delivered at...
National Capital Park and Planning Commission Act
April 1926
Sixty-Ninth U.S. Congress
Congress “constituted a commission to be known as the National Capital Park and Planning Commission (NCPPC) to develop a comprehensive, consistent, and...
Public Buildings Act of 1926
May 1926
Sixty-Ninth Congress
The act authorized and funded federal developments, including the Federal Triangle, Supreme Court, and Government Printing Office. Congress authorized the...
A Standard City Planning Enabling Act
May 1926
U.S. Department of Commerce
The act established the foundation for planning and zoning enabling legislation in the U.S. For many states, the Standard Acts, as they are known, still...
NCPPC Coordinating Committee
June 1926
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The National Capital Park Commission, on March 18, 1925, authorized a City Planning Committee composed of representatives of federal and District agencies that...
Regional Planning Organization and Legislation Memorandum
October 1926
Harland Bartholomew
This memorandum recognized the growing Washington area and recommended that the national capital have an authority that controlled regional planning and...
Annual Report of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission
November 1926
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
The Commission reported its updated composition (following the 1926 National Capital Park and Planning Commission Act) that included four citizens appointed by...
Preliminary Report on Relocation of Produce Markets
January 1927
Bartholomew and Associates
To accommodate what would become the Federal Triangle development, this report to NCPPC recommends constructing two Farmers Markets, one north of the municipal...
Park System for the National Capital Washington Region
February 1927
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This report recommended five major regional park projects: Lower Potomac, Upper Potomac, Indian Creek, Rock Creek, and Northwest Branch. The report also...
Fort Drive: Plan for a Parkway Connecting the Civil War Forts and Encircling the City of Washington
February 1927
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Describing what is now known as the Civil War Defenses of Washington, this plan explored connecting the lands that were once used as military installations on...
Railroad Report for Washington D.C.
April 1927
National Capital Planning Commission
This report, prepared by Harland Bartholomew & Associates, advanced eleven major recommendations that ranged from addressing prevailing grade crossings to...
Land and Its Uses in the District of Columbia
June 1927
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPC presented this survey of land uses prepared by S. G. Lindholm in its 1928 Annual Report supplement. Charts, tables, and maps illustrated the use...
Annual Report of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission
June 1927
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPPC reported that its work program consisted of eight “functional groupings:” 1. Highways (including thoroughfares of regional importance, thoroughfares...
Preliminary Transit Report: Washington, DC
November 1927
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
In this report to NCPPC, Harland Bartholomew & Associates proposed two alternative transit plans. Its “Intermediate Plan” combined “through-routes”...
A Report Upon a Major Thoroughfare System and Traffic Circulation Problems of Washington
December 1927
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This report prepared by Harland Bartholomew & Associates for NCPPC surveyed the city’s transportation system and recommended a five-tiered roadway...
A Major Thoroughfare Plan
January 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This plan conceived a “comprehensive system of wide, direct arteries in which the vital traffic flow of the community may freely move.” Following earlier...
“Round Points” in the Plan of Washington
January 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
In this paper, NCPPC’s Charles Eliot explores the open spaces anchoring star-shaped intersections that characterize the Plan of Washington (the L’Enfant...
Park System of the District of Columbia
January 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
Following several earlier studies and reports, NCPPC delineated its plan for the District’s Park System in its 1928 Annual Report. The plan incorporated two...
The Regional Park Projects
January 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPC presented five regional parks, planned around natural, scenic and historic resources. This vision described in NCPPC’s 1928 Annual Report followed...
Work of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission
March 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The document transcribed the statements of Lieutenant Colonel Ulysses S. Grant, III; Major Carey Brown; and Charles Eliot, II before the House of...
Recreation Plan 1931
April 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
Developed by NCPPC’s Recreation Committee, the plan proposed a 160-unit system. While most of the units consisted of small children's playgrounds, it...
Maintenance and Operation of the Washington, D.C. Park System: Preliminary Report
September 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
In anticipation of expanding the park system, this report examined costs and other maintenance implications. It found that Washington had 438 reservations...
Study for System of Airports: Washington and Environs
December 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This study recommended a four-tiered system of airports, including the siting of what became Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. NCPPC described the...
Studies in Continuity of Planning
December 1928
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This series of plates presented annotated images of major planning efforts and representative building projects in its 1928 Annual Report supplement (see 1928...
General Orders Regulating the Platting and Subdividing of Lands in the District of Columbia
July 1929
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
Land subdivision was a key issue in city development, along with the location of roads and allowable uses. Here NCPPC revised a highway map amendment and...
Open Spaces in the Regional Plan
July 1929
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
In this journal article, NCPPC staff member Charles Eliot introduced the emerging American concept of preserving wedges of open space radiating from city...
Proposed Recreation System for the District of Columbia
July 1929
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPPC park planner Charles Eliot outlined the relationship between the recreation centers, playgrounds, and school grounds proposed in NCPPC’s 1928 Annual...
Drainage and Sewerage Problems Report
October 1929
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This report prepared for NCPPC by the Washington Region Drainage and Sewerage Committee addressed multiple questions, including whether to develop a separate...
Washington Region Water Supply Report
October 1929
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Pursuant to NCPPC’s request, a Washington Region Water Supply Committee submitted a water supply report for Washington, including how to best coordinate...
George Washington Memorial Parkway (Brochure)
January 1930
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This illustrated brochure described the ongoing development of the parkway, particularly NCPPC’s acquisition and planning efforts. It announced that the...
National Capital Park and Planning Commission Annual Report 1930
January 1930
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
NCPPC reported its accomplishments, recommendations, and future work program. NCPPC kicked off the year with a presentation of its regional plan to an...
Public Buildings Act of 1930
March 1930
Seventy-First U.S. Congress
Public Law No. 85, commonly known as the Keyes-Elliot Bill, amended the Public Buildings Act of 1926 to authorize an additional $100 million for public...
Reports and Plans of the Washington Region: National Capital Park and Planning Commission Supplement
March 1930
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This supplement to NCPPC’s 1930 Annual Report began with a textual record of the annual report presentation, including a message from President Herbert...
Housing Program for the District of Columbia
April 1930
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Developed by NCPPC consultant John Ihlder, the program particularly advocated for rehousing displaced residents and reutilizing cleared land in a manner...
Shipstead-Luce Act
April 1930
Seventy-First Congress
Authorized the U. S. Commission of Fine Arts’ (CFA) review of private and semi-public buildings within District of Columbia areas of significant federal...
Capper-Cramton Act
May 1930
Seventy-First U.S. Congress
Public Law No. 284, commonly known as the "Capper-Cramton Act," funded park acquisitions and greatly strengthened regional planning functions of the...
Report on the Motor Vehicle and Street Traffic Problem of the District of Columbia:
January 1931
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPPC contracted with Dr. Miller McClintock, the director of Harvard University’s Albert Erskine Bureau, for street traffic research to report on emerging...
The Preparation of Zoning Ordinances
July 1931
U.S. Department of Commerce
The Department of Commerce published this pamphlet by its Advisory Committee on City Planning and Zoning to advise municipalities on formulating zoning codes,...
The President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership: Committee on Housing and the Communi
December 1931
Herbert Hoover Presidential Administration
This conference report conveyed strategies for the federal government to increase home building and ownership, including by facilitating long-term, amortized...
Flood protection – “B” Street, South
March 1932
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
NCPPC’s chairman Ulysses S. Grant, 3rd addressed a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers letter requesting views on a proposal to raise B Street, South (Independence...
Housing Study
March 1932
John Ihlder
Following Washington’s development of planning and zoning functions, this report to NCPPC advocated for better housing standards. Consultant John Ihlder...
Land Transfer Act of 1932
May 1932
Seventy-Second Congress
Authorized federal and District authorities to transfer jurisdiction between themselves upon recommendation of the National Capital Park and Planning...
The Negro Housing Problem in Louisville
May 1932
Louisville (Ky.) City Planning and Zoning Commission
Future NCPC Chair Harland Bartholomew prepared this report for the Louisville government on low-income housing, particularly focusing on housing for...
Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Slum Clearance in the District of Columbia
October 1932
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Recognizing the costs involved in clearing land and rehousing residents, this report contemplates how Washington could utilize the Corporation’s authorities...
Population Trends of the Washington Region
November 1932
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
Director of Planning John Nolen, Jr. highlighted the “social” and economic aspects of the National Capital Region. This document introduced a Commission...
The Economy of Planning in the Development of Washington
February 1933
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
NCPC conveyed the need for continuous and coordinated planning in the national capital. “With the nation-wide contraction of business creating a universal...
National Housing Act (1934)
January 1934
Seventy-Third U.S Congress
Public Law 73-479 created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) with the authority to insure long-term mortgage loans made by private lending institutions...
DC Alley Dwelling Act
June 1934
Seventy-Third Congress
Authorized the U.S. President to designate an agency to clear alley dwellings and redevelop this land for any purpose that served the city. President...
Experiences with Zoning in Washington, DC 1920-1934
January 1935
S.G. Lindholm for the DC Zoning Commission
The District of Columbia Zoning Commission reported its experiences since its adoption of the District’s first ordinance, conveying that an ordinance...
The Value of a Highway Plan and Program to a Municipality
January 1935
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
In this presentation to the American Road Builder’s Association convention, NCPPC’s Director of Planning reported on the value of highway...
A History of the Park Committee
February 1935
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This reviewed the history of a joint NCPC-Office of Public Buildings & Public Parks committee. The agencies established the committee in 1929, recognizing...
Need for Zoning Review in Washington
April 1935
Harland Bartholomew and Associates
In this manuscript from Harland Bartholomew & Associates’ records, Bartholomew conveyed that the present ordinance should be updated because it was a...
Dinner…in Honor of the Senate and House (Congressional) Committees on D.C and Public Buildings...
May 1936
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This program highlighted an event, including “exhibits, motion pictures and lantern slides” that NCPPC’s chairman Frederic A. Delano organized for...
U.S. Housing Act of 1937
September 1937
Seventy-Fifth Congress
This amendment to the National Housing Act of 1934 focused on concerns of substandard housing and concentrated poverty. It authorized a new U.S. Housing...
Federal Highway Map
February 1938
U.S. Department of Agriculture
President Franklin D. Roosevelt marked five transcontinental routes (in blue) on a 1935 U.S. highway system map showing the American Association of State...
Zoning Act of 1938
June 1938
Seventy-Fifth Congress
This act expanded the DC Zoning Commission’s authority, which was established by the Zoning Act of 1920. This act provided the Commission with “police...
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1938
June 1938
Seventy-Fifth US Congress
Public No. 75-584 expanded the authorities for those governing the District’s , among other provisions. The Federal Highway Act of 1921 designated two...
Map of the Metropolitan Area of Washington, DC: Showing Division…into Residential Sub-Areas
June 1938
Federal Housing Administration
To facilitate “economically sound” loans, as Congress authorized, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) developed this racially discriminating...
The Rehabilitation of Southwest Washington as a War Housing Measure
January 1939
Arther Goodwillie
In conjunction with John Ihlder, the Washington Housing Association, Howard University faculty, and the District of Columbia Commissioners, Goodwillie laid out...
Proposed Recreation System: District of Columbia
March 1939
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This illustrated the recreation system plan with revisions to 1939, including “White” and “Colored” (Black) recreation centers, as recommended to NCPPC...
NCPPC Statement before the Zoning Commission
December 1940
NCPPC’s chair testified on behalf of the agency in support of 110-foot building height limitations. This memo underlies continued interest in zoning...
Development of the Central Area West and East of the Capitol-Washington D.C.
April 1941
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This vision represents an updated version of NCPPC’s proposal for an extension of the National Mall eastward along East Capitol Street to an Anacostia Park...
The Redevelopment of Southwest Washington: Plan A
February 1942
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This repackages an infill development proposal–including photographs, financial calculations, sewer diagrams, and proposed floor plans–originally developed...
Report to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia on Subways
May 1942
NCPPC recommended against a District resolution advancing subways for streetcars and vehicle traffic. Noting that present demand related to the military...
Transportation Survey and Plan for the Central Area of Washington, D.C.
January 1944
J.E. Greiner Company and De Leuw, Cather & Company Consulting Engineers
This report, which echoed earlier recommendations, clarified that the District needed major improvements to improve accessibility to the central area’s...
American Planning and Civic Annual
January 1944
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This annual featured a section on the federal city that encompassed addresses by NCPPC Chairman Ulysses S. Grant, III, NCPPC Planning Director John Nolen, Jr.,...
Interregional Highways: A Report...Recommending a National System of Interregional Higways
January 1944
National Interregional Highway Committee
This report to Congress recommended a 34,000-mile interregional highway system, plus an additional 5,000 miles of auxiliary urban routes. In 1941, President...
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944
December 1944
Seventy-Eighth U.S. Congress
Public Law 78-521 authorized designation of a 40,000 mile "National System of Interstate Highways," to be selected by joint action of the state highway...
Redevelopment Act of 1945
August 1946
Seventy-Ninth Congress
Established a multi-step, bicameral comprehensive redevelopment process that expanded NCPPC’s planning authority. The act reflected a variety of...
Approved Interstate Highway System
August 1947
Federal Works Administration
The Federal Works Agency approved a National System of Interstates that consisted of 37,681 miles of principal highways, including 2,882 miles within...
District of Columbia Recreation System Plan
December 1947
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This maps the recreation system plan for the District of Columbia, including city-wide centers as well as “White” and “Colored” (Black) recreation...
Hurd v. Hodge
May 1948
U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled against Lena and Frederic Hodge, who sued James and Mary Hurd, the new owners of 116 Bryant Street NW, Washington,...
National Security Factors in Industrial Location
September 1948
National Security Resources Board
Utilizing graphical depictions, this booklet discouraged dense agglomerations of "industrial facilities.” It reflected the Truman Administration’s approach...
Housing Act of 1949
July 1949
Eighty-First Congress
The act declared a goal of a “decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family,” and authorized multiple programs across the nation....
Report on Proposed Revisions of Potomac River Bridge Crossings for Defense Emergency
October 1949
Sverdrup & Parcel
Concerned about national defense, the U. S. Army Office of Quartermaster General contracted for this report on Potomac River crossings. Raising concerns...
Special Aspects of Washington’s City Plan
November 1949
Harland Bartholomew
In this address to the American Society of Civil Engineers, Bartholomew advised that with expansion into outlying suburban areas, metropolitan Washington...
Open Spaces and Community Services: A Portion of the Comprehensive Plan...
January 1950
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
The fourth of six bound monographs that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph detailed the open space and community services...
Washington Present and Future: A General Summary of the Comprehensive Plan...
April 1950
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The first of six bound monographs that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph provided a general summary of the...
Regional Aspects of the Comprehensive Plan: A Portion of the Comprehensive Plan...
June 1950
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This document is the sixth and final bound monograph that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph focused on the regional...
Moving People and Goods: A Portion of the Comprehensive Plan...
June 1950
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The fifth of six bound monographs that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph detailed the transportation component. The...
People and Land: A Portion of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital and Its Environs
June 1950
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The second of six bound monographs that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph detailed the population, employment, and land...
Housing and Redevelopment: A Portion of the Comprehensive Plan...
June 1950
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
The third of six bound monographs that comprised the Comprehensive Plan NCPPC released in 1950. This monograph detailed residential and redevelopment...
District of Columbia Park—Parkway and Playground System Plan
December 1950
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
This maps the District of Columbia park and recreation system plan, including recreation units under District oversight, at schools, and on other public...
A Recommended Highway Improvement Program for the Washington Metropolitan Area
January 1952
Regional Highway Planning Committee for Metropolitan Washington
The Regional Highway Planning Committee for Metropolitan Washington recommended a three-pronged approach toward traffic congestion: 1. revamp the highway...
Agreement for Contractual Services By and Between D.C. Redevelopment Land Agency and Harland Barthol
January 1952
District of Columbia and Harland Bartholomew and Associates Source: National Archives
This identified the terms by which the D.C. Redevelopment Land Agency engaged Harland Bartholomew’s firm to fulfill its authorities under the DC...
Proposed Redevelopment Plan for Southwest Survey Area
April 1952
Elbert Peets
NCPPC engaged Elbert Peets, an eminent L’Enfant Plan historian and NCPPC staff member as a private consultant to develop a plan for Southwest. Later known by...
Types of Residential Units to be Provided and Estimated Commercial Requirements: Southwest Survey Ar
April 1952
Harland Bartholomew
In this address to the American Society of Civil Engineers, Bartholomew advised that with expansion into outlying suburban areas, metropolitan Washington...
Redevelopment Plans for the Southwest Survey Area
May 1952
National Capital Park and Planning Commission
In what became known as the “compromise plan" for Southwest’s urban renewal, Harland Bartholomew advanced elements of previous plans. In the summer of...
Rebuilding Southwest Washington: A Report to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency
May 1952
Justement, Elam & Darby
Later known as the “Justement-Smith Plan,” it proposed removing nearly all the structures and closing many L’Enfant Streets in Southwest Washington, DC...
Report on Future Bridge Crossings
June 1952
Harland Bartholomew and Associates
This report prepared for NCPC rejected a proposed Potomac River bridge extending west along an axis from E Street, concluding that it would aggravate central...
National Capital Planning Act of 1952
June 1952
Eighty-Second Congress
The 1952 Planning Act created two agencies responsible for planning in the national capital and its environs: the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC)...
NCPC Commission Agenda (multiple items, Southwest Redevelopment Plan)
October 1952
National Capital Planning Commission
This microfiche image shows NCPC’s agenda. During the period, NCPC was involved in several major initiatives including the Highway Improvement Program,...
A Report of Existing Conditions and a Plan for Redevelopment, Project Area B
October 1952
National Capital Planning Commission
This was NCPC’s adopted renewal plan for a portion of Southwest. It reflected Harland Bartholomew’s “compromise” plan (see link) and written assistance...
An Approach to the Mass Transportation Problem for the District of Columbia
October 1952
This report, prepared for NCPC and the National Capital Regional Planning Council, advanced the development of a mass transportation survey and proposed a...
Bolling vs. Sharpe: Desegregation of Schools and Playgrounds in D.C.
May 1954
U.S. Supreme Court
Bolling v. Sharpe, 347 U.S. 497 (1954), is a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court held that the Constitution prohibited segregated...
No Slums in 10 Years Study: A Workable Program for Urban Renewal
January 1955
Commissioners of the District of Columbia
This report to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia conveyed twenty-one recommendations “for the elimination of slums and the establishment of...
Berman v. Parker
February 1955
U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of David Parker, who as Commissioner of the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA), planned to take property...
An Act Creating a Federal Commission to Formulate Plans for a Civic Auditorium [in D.C.]
July 1955
Eighty-Fourth U.S. Congress
Public Law 84-128 created a commission to plan for a civic auditorium in DC, authorizing it to consult with federal and District agencies, including NCPC. NCPC...
Report on Traffic Volumes and Capacity Requirements for Potomac River Bridges and Inner Traffic Loop
August 1955
Wilbur Smith and Associates
This report prepared for NCPC confirmed forecasts for a significant amount of traffic volume in Washington’s central area. It supported decisions related to...
General Location of National System of Interstate Highways
October 1955
U.S. Bureau of Public Roads
This supplement to the approved National System of Interstate Highways (see Approved System) identified routing for urban components. Later known as the...
Webb & Knapp Redevelopment Proposal for Southwest Washington
October 1955
Webb and Knapp
This proposal William Zeckendorf that submitted to NCPC envisioned dramatic changes to the character and amenities of a renewal area in Southwest known as...
Proposed Constitution Avenue Bridge (Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Bridge)
November 1955
D.C. Department of Highways
NCPC’s approved design for a new Potomac River crossing and associated western Inner Loop freeway segment. To alleviate traffic from the center of...
A Report on a Proposed Highway Improvement Program for the District of Columbia
November 1955
Harland Bartholomew and Associates
This is a report to NCPC on the implications of the Regional Highway Committee’s Recommended Highway Improvement Program (see link). Harland Bartholomew...
Transit Regulation for the Metropolitan Area of Washington, D. C.
December 1955
Jerome M. Alper
NCPC and the National Capital Regional Planning Council commissioned this report to support its mass transportation survey, which Congress authorized in 1955...
A Redevelopment Plan for Southwest Washington; a Webb & Knapp Project
January 1956
Webb & Knapp
This large-format glossy color pamphlet promoted the firm’s urban renewal proposal. Formally submitted to NCPC in September 1955 (see link), the agency...
Urban Renewal Plan Southwest Urban Renewal Project Area C
April 1956
National Capital Planning Commission
This publication conveyed NCPC’s adoption of the project-level plan for the largest section of Southwest’s urban renewal. The 442-acre area extended...
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956
June 1956
Eighty-Fourth U.S. Congress
Public Law 84-627, also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act, substantially funded the nation’s interstate highway network. When...
A New Zoning Plan for the District of Columbia: Final Report of the Rezoning Study
June 1956
Harold M. Lewis
This report to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia recommended a complete revision of the zoning code. Portions of the report, including the Land Use...
Memorandum to the Board of Commissioners...Southwest Urban Renewal Project Area C
November 1956
Lt. Col., Corps of Engineers, U.S. Assistant Engineer Commissioner for Urban Renewal
In this memorandum to the DC Board of Commissioners, the Engineer Commissioner reported that “all required legal and administrative steps have been taken”...
Zoning Regulations of the District of Columbia (1958)
January 1958
District of Columbia Government
This update to the DC Zoning code established a unified set of zoned districts, a floor area ratio system, and new regulations addressing light and...
National Cultural Center Act
September 1958
Eighty-Fifth U.S. Congress
Public Law 85-874 authorized a trustee board within the Smithsonian Institution to develop a “National Cultural Center” facility using donations. The...
City Planning in Washington DC, 1790-1958
September 1958
National Capital Planning Commission, Harland Bartholomew
NCPC Chairman Bartholomew reviewed Washington’s planning history in this hardback manuscript. Prepared for a course on Washington, DC planning,...
A Metropolitan Statistical Program for the National Capital Region
December 1958
Eighty-Fifth U.S. Congress
Congress’ Joint Committee on Washington Metropolitan Problems recommended a statistical program, particularly for land use and housing; transportation; and...
Mass Transportation Survey, National Capital Region: Civil Engineering Report
January 1959
De Leuw, Cather & Company
This report recommended a mix of highway and rapid rail transit construction. Part of the Congressionally authorized Mass Transportation Survey, this report...
Meeting the Problems of Metropolitan Growth in the National Capital Region
January 1959
EIghty-Fifth U.S. Congress
Congress’ Joint Committee on Washington Metropolitan Problems envisioned a broad federal legislative program. It recommended multiple regional development...
General Development Plan for the National Capital Region
February 1959
John T. Howard Adams of Howard & Greeley City Planning Consultants
This scoping report examines the land use implications of the Mass Transportation Survey. Congress called for NCPC and the National Capital Regional...
Transportation Plan National Capital Region; The Mass Transportation Survey Report
July 1959
NCPC, National Capital Regional Planning Council
The plan recommended 2.5 billion in transportation facilities, an interim federal agency to advance the transportation plans, and an interstate compact to...
Federal Housing Act of 1959
September 1959
Eighty-Sixth Congress
This Housing Act Amendment continued Congress’ general trend of providing broader federal benefits and more local discretion in urban renewal...
Engineering Estimate on Northwest: Freeway Interstate Route I-70S in Washington, D.C.
November 1959
Michael Baker, Jr.
NCPC contracted for this study contemplating a freeway from I-70 (now I-270) in Maryland to Washington’s Inner Loop. Also known as the Northwest and North...
Information Bulletin on National Capital Planning
April 1960
NCPC and National Capital Regional Planning Council
An information booklet produced by NCPC and the National Capital Regional Planning Council in 1960. The booklet conveyed historical background;...
Joint Resolution to establish an objective for coordinating the development of the District of Colum
June 1960
Eighty-Sixth U.S. Congress
Congress resolved to focus the attention of the federal and District of Columbia governments on a “sound pattern of metropolitan growth” by calling for new...
A Discussion Guide to Washinton Area Metropolitan Problems
July 1960
Eighty-Sixth U.S. Congress
Congress’ Joint Committee on Washington Metropolitan Problems provided abstracts of its principal studies and discussion guides on metropolitan development....
National Capital Transportation Act of 1960
July 1960
Eighty-Sixth U.S. Congress
Public Law 86-669 authorized a National Capital Transportation Agency (NCTA) to prepare a Transit Development Program; and the District of Columbia, Maryland,...
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact Act of 1960
November 1960
Eighty-Sixth U.S. Congress
Public Law 86-794 gave the consent of Congress to a DC-Maryland-Virginia interstate compact establishing the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission....
Role of the District of Columbia in the Urban Renewal Program
December 1960
DC Office of Urban Renewal
Utilizing flow charts and organizational diagrams, this publication described urban renewal activities, including organizational roles and project...
A Policies Plan for the Year 2000: The Nation’s Capital
May 1961
NCPC and the National Regional Planning Council
This joint NCPC–NCRPC comprehensive regional plan follows the 1952 National Capital Planning Act. Reconsidering development paradigms and investment...
Urban Renewal Feasibility Study, Howard University Study Area, Preliminary Report – Phase I
January 1962
National Capital Park & Planning Commission
This study, prepared by Harland Bartholomew & Associates for NCPC, reported on the feasibility of urban renewal within an area centered around Howard...
District Of Columbia Appropriations, 1963: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Approp
May 1962
Eighty-Seventh U.S. Congress
[duplicate entry - can be reused]
May 1962
Report to the President by the Ad Hoc Committee on Federal Office Space
June 1962
Executive Office of the President, Ad Hoc Committee on Federal Office Space
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy “directed that a survey be made of the Government's immediate and long-term space needs, with particular reference to the...
Recommendations for Transportation in the National Capital Region: Finance and Organization
November 1962
National Capital Transportation Agency
This report to the President for transmittal to Congress noted financial considerations and increased concern over highway construction, since the Mass...
Architectural Forum Magazine, Special Issue: Washington, DC
January 1963
Published by Time, Inc.
This edition of the architectural magazine focused on Washington, with sections that explored “How Washington is Run,” “The Monumental City,” “The...
Prospective Demand for Industrial Land in the District of Columbia Year 1985
November 1963
Economic Associates/NCPC
This report, prepared by Economic Associates for NCPC, forecasted the amount and characteristics of industrial demand in 1985. This is one of the “1985...
on wedges and corridors: a general plan for the maryland-washington regional district
January 1964
Maryland-Nat'l Capital Park & Planning Commission
This first general plan for Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties was based on a planning framework that NCPC and the National Capital Regional Planning...
John F. Kennedy Center Act
January 1964
Eighty-Eigth U.S. Congress
Public Law 88-260 renamed the National Cultural Center and designated the facility as a memorial to President Kennedy. While President Eisenhower signed the...
Review of Pennsylvania Avenue Plan
January 1964
Larry Smith & Company
This review of the Pennsylvania Avenue Advisory Council (later known as the President’s Council on Pennsylvania Avenue) proposal affirmed “the basic...
Report of the President’s Council on Pennsylvania Avenue
April 1964
President’s Council on Pennsylvania Avenue
Envisioning a unified avenue, the Council called for the wholesale demolition of buildings on the Avenue’s north side, replacing them with larger modern...
The 1985 Plan for Washington, DC: A Preliminary Report
September 1964
National Capital Planning Commission
This report was an interim comprehensive planning document for interagency review and discussion purposes. The report continued a program that NCPC began...
Third Belt Highway, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area: A Prospectus
November 1964
Harland Bartholomew and Associates
This prospectus, contracted by NCPC for a third belt highway, recommended a route approximately 25 miles (compared to the Capitol Beltway’s range of 7-12...
Washington Skyline Study and 5-Dimensional City Concept
January 1965
Clothoethiel Woodard Smith & Associates
This study declared that “emerging new concepts of cities and city life cannot be realized by regulations.” It recommended accommodating growth in a...
Social Impact of a Highway on an Urban Community
April 1965
Health and Welfare Council of the National Capital Area, Barbara H. Kemp
This report surveys the social implications of constructing a highway in an urban area. NCPC became a member of the President’s Advisory Committee on the...
1965-1984 Proposed Physical Development Policies for Washington DC
September 1965
National Capital Planning Commission
In anticipation of finalizing a comprehensive plan in 1966, this plan outlined basic planning themes, principles, and features for Washington’s future. In...
National Capital Transportation Act of 1965
November 1965
Eighty-Ninth U.S. Congress
Public Law 89-173 authorized the National Capital Transportation Agency to plan, design, and construct a rail system described in the January 1965 “Rail...
Rail Rapid Transit for the Nation’s Capital
November 1965
National Capital Transportation Agency
This report advanced a 25-mile rapid rail system, largely reflecting the core of the agency’s initial 1962 report (see link). Departing from the National...
Presidential Reorganization Plan No. 5 of 1966
June 1966
President Lyndon Johnson
This plan abolished the National Capital Regional Planning Council (NCRPC) and authorized NCPC to “make such provisions as it shall deem necessary respecting...
Problems of Housing People in Washington, D.C.
July 1966
This study explored housing conditions and shortages. NCPC conducted this study as it developed policies and proposals for an updated comprehensive plan....
A Report on the Detail Paving and Landscaping of Pennsylvania Avenue
July 1966
Office of Dan Kiley
The landscape plan proposed by the President’s Council on Pennsylvania Avenue envisioned a European-style boulevard, with two rows of trees on its south side...
Metropolitan Councils of Governments
August 1966
U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
This report prepared by an American University professor reviews the emerging council of government form. Considered an early successful example, it features...
WMATA Interstate Compact Act of 1966
November 1966
Eighty-Ninth Congress
In Public Law 89-774, Congress consented to the 1960 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission compact amendments that transformed the commission into...
Toward a Comprehensive Landscape Plan for Washington, DC
January 1967
Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, Architects
As part of a growing environmental consciousness, the study explored the ongoing process of human interaction with natural resources. Prefaced in a letter...
Pennsylvania Avenue: Report of the President's Temporary Commission on Pennsylvania Avenue
January 1967
Pennsylvania Avenue: Report of the President's Tem
The report detailed planning and development progress by the Commission and other organizations since a 1964 advisory council plan (see Council...
The Grand Design
January 1967
Library of Congress
This booklet capped an 1966-1967 exhibition jointly organized by the Library of Congress and staff members of the President’s Temporary Commission on...
Proposed Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Summary
February 1967
National Capital Planning Commission
Later referred to by its cover as the “Green Book,” this draft plan focused on social problems, physical planning, and design. Detailing the broad policies...
Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967
June 1967
President Lyndon Johnson
This plan abolished the Board of Commissioners and transferred the District’s executive functions to a single “Commissioner” (later known as...
Fort Lincoln Urban Renewal Area
August 1967
The National Capital Planning Commission and the Redevelopment Land Agency
This eight-page brochure outlined the urban renewal plan for around 25,000 citizens in the vicinity of the former Civil War fort in Southeast Washington, DC....
Anacostia Urban Core
October 1967
Victor Gruen, Associates
This study that Victor Gruen, Associates prepared for NCPC proposed urbanized development cores around planned Metrorail stations. In a cover letter...
Report to the President from the First Lady’s Committee for a More Beautiful Capital
January 1968
Committee for a More Beautiful Capital
This reported on a First Lady Lady Bird Johnson initiative that addressed disinvestment and investments that fractured Washington communities by shifting...
Civil Rights Act of 1968
April 1968
Ninetieth U.S. Congress
Public Law 90–284 was a multi-pronged act: its three major elements are commonly referred to as the Indian Civil Rights Act (Titles II through VII), Fair...
Civil Disturbances in Washington, DC
May 1968
This NCPC report, prepared in cooperation with the District Government and D.C Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA), summarized the extent of the damage caused...
Elements of the Comprehensive Plan
September 1969
National Capital Planning Commission
This comprehensive plan document conveyed the plan framework, including four adopted chapters: broad goals, general land use objectives and two addressing...
Washington, D.C.’s ‘Shaw School Urban Renewal Area’ – MICCO, A Unique Experience
September 1969
Reginald Griffith, MIT
Reginald Griffith served as an NCPC Commissioner, and later, as NCPC’s Executive Director. One of his signature accomplishments during his tenure at NCPC was...
A Program for Landmarks Conservation in the District of Columbia
December 1969
Carl Feiss, FAIA, AIP
The report by Carl Feiss commissioned by NCPC expressed concern with the lack of landmarks conservation. “In making plans for the future of Washington, it is...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972
October 1972
Ninety-Second U.S. Congress
Public Law 92-578 established the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, determining “that it is in the national interest that the area adjacent to...
Georgetown Waterfront Area Study: Phase I Report: Development Concept Alternatives
November 1972
NCPC and the DC Department of Highways and Traffic
Prepared for NCPC and the DC Department of Highways and Traffic, this report recommended a tunneled freeway, Potomac River park, and a moderate amount of...
The Urban River: A Staff Proposal for Waterfront Development in the District of Columbia
December 1972
National Capital Planning Commission
This study proposed design guidelines to restore the ecological health of Washington’s rivers and provide public access to them. This study followed...
Replanning for Pennsylvania Avenue: A New Study of the Section of Pennsylvania Avenue Bordering the
December 1972
John Wiebenson
The founder of the organization Don’t Tear it Down (predecessor to the DC Preservation League) made a strong argument against the current Pennsylvania Avenue...
Interview with Elizabeth Rowe
March 1973
Audio interview of Libby Rowe by L. Richardson
Landmarks of the National Capital
August 1973
Joint Committee on Landmarks
This annotated map identified landmarks of the national capital, which comprised District of Columbia's Inventory of Historic Sites. Washington’s first...
Beyond the Fireworks of 1976
December 1973
The Afro-American Bicentennial Corporation
This report, supported by National Park Service funding, identified significant themes and sites that illustrated the role of Blacks in United States...
District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act
December 1973
Ninety-Third U.S. Congress
The Home Rule Act devolved congressional powers of the District of Columbia to local government. Among other provisions, it provided for an elected mayor and...
The Pennsylvania Avenue Project Area: Market Analysis Development Potentials Financial Implications
February 1974
Gladstone Associates Economic Consultants
The Great Historic American Avenue: New Approach to Revitalizing Pennsylvania Avenue: Alternative Ap
February 1974
D.C. Office of Planning and Management
The (Proposed) Pennsylvania Avenue Plan–1974
March 1974
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
The Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC) prepared and transmitted its proposed plan to the Mayor/Commissioner of the District of Columbia and the...
Street Transportation Plan Pennsylvania Avenue Environs
March 1974
Wilbur Smith and Associates
Wilbur Smith analyzed Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s transportation plans, including aggressive street closures for ceremonial objectives....
Grow with Books
April 1974
National Capital Planning Commission
Recommendations of Mayor-Commissioner Walter E. Washington D.C. Government: Pennsylvania Avenue Plan
June 1974
District of Columbia
The District of Columbia’s response to the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) proposal for the avenue (see Proposed Plan) was generally...
The Secretary of the Interior’s Review of The Pennsylvania Avenue Plan—1974
August 1974
U.S. Department of Interior
The Interior Department’s response to Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) proposal for the Avenue (see card) was generally...
The Pennsylvania Avenue Plan
November 1974
Pennslvania Avenue Development Corporation
This plan established a framework for revitalizing Pennsylvania Avenue as a vital center of Washington, a ceremonial way between the White House and the U.S....
Examination of Financial Statements of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation for the Fisca
April 1975
U.S. General Accounting Office
As required by the Government Corporation Control Act (1970), the Comptroller General informed Congress of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s...
Shoreline Acquisition and Development Policies and Programs
February 1976
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC identified eleven subareas along Washington’s rivers, and recommended improvements to support public access and ecology. The study advanced NCPC...
Boundary Markers of the Nation's Capital
July 1976
National Capital Planning Commission
This report discussed the stone markers Andrew Ellicott used to survey the boundary of Washington. In recognition of the United States’ Bicentennial...
Planning Washington, 1924-1976: An Era of Planning for the National Capital and Environs
July 1976
National Capital Planning Commission
This booklet included an administrative history of NCPC, a summary of related legislation, a listing of its Commission and key staff members, and brief...
Examination of Financial Statements of the PADC for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1975...and 1976
July 1976
Comptroller General of the United States
As required by the Government Corporation Control Act (1970), the Comptroller General informed Congress of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s...
An Act to Amend the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972
August 1976
Ninety-Fourth U.S. Congress
Public Law 92-578 amended Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) authorizing legislation, authorizing approximately $40 million “[t]o...
The Federal City: Plans & Realities
August 1976
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution published this book in partnership with NCPC and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts. It encompassed a historical narrative by...
Historic Preservation Plan of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
March 1977
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
This plan supplemented historic preservation provisions in the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) 1974 Pennsylvania Avenue Plan (see...
Worthy of the Nation
July 1977
National Capital Planning Commission; Frederick Gutheim, consultant
Developed as the “insiders’ illustrated Washington history book,” it conveys 186 years of planning for the national capital. It represents one of series...
The Avenue Report
December 1977
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1978
January 1978
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
PADC Quarterly Report to Congress
April 1978
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
The Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s second quarterly report to Congress provided updates on its activities, including property acquisition and...
Memorandum of Agreement [between PADC and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation]
June 1978
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
This memorandum regarding the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) 1974 plan (see Plan card) identified measures to avoid or satisfactorily...
Metrogram: To Inform Community Leaders
October 1978
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
This bulletin was the first in a series that described the planning and building of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) facilities....
An Act to Amend the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972… (1978)
November 1978
Ninety-Fifth U.S. Congress
Public Law 95-629 amended the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) enabling legislation (see 1972 Act) to conform to the District of Columbia...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1979
January 1979
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Oral History Interview with Harland Bartholomew
March 1979
Frederick Gutheim
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1979)
July 1979
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1980
January 1980
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Examination of Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Financial Statements
July 1980
Comptroller General of the United States
As required by the 1970 Government Corporation Control Act, the Comptroller General informed Congress of the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1980)
September 1980
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Square Guidelines: SQ. 225
October 1980
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
These guidelines established development specifications for Square 225. The Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC) considered Square 225 “of...
Independence Avenue Constitution Avenue: Special Street Plans, Phase 1 Study
December 1980
National Capital Planning Commission
This study provided a framework for improving the design and function of Independence and Constitution Avenues. The study conveyed NCPC’s concern “that...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1981
January 1981
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Oversight Hearing: Progress Report on Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Plan
October 1981
Ninety-Seventh Congress
Following concerns raised in news reports, Congress explored issues regarding contracting, housing production, and affordable housing. It also examined whether...
A Progress Report Updating the Pennsylvania Avenue Plan for Eastern Sector...Housing and Mixed-Use
November 1981
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
In reviewing its 1974 plan (see 1974 card) for the avenue’s eastern sector, the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC) recommended more office...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1982
January 1982
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Goals
February 1982
National Capital Planning Commission
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital
September 1982
Government of the District of Columbia
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1983
January 1983
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1983)
September 1983
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Policy and Procedures to Facilitate the Retention of Displaced Businesses and Residents in the Penns
December 1983
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
This notice announced the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s policy “to provide displaced businesses and residents with a preferential...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1984
January 1984
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Don’t Tear it Down, Inc. v. Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corp.
February 1984
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
In this and a 1980 case between the same litigants, the court considered the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s (PADC) procedural requirements. It...
Summary of Development Proposals Parcel 408-432
September 1984
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
The corporation compiled this summary of proposals it received for what was known as Market Square. It selected two mixed-use buildings for this site, which...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1985
January 1985
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1986
January 1986
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Amendments to the Pennsylvania Avenue Plan (1986)
July 1986
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1986)
September 1986
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1987
January 1987
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Conceptual Lighting Plan for the Pennsylvania Avenue Monumental Core
July 1987
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
To enhance the downtown Monumental Area and emphasize the significance of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Monumental Core, The Pennsylvania Avenue Development...
Federal Triangle Development Act
August 1987
One Hundredth Congress
Congress determined it was in the national interest to construct a building that integrated federal facilities with an international cultural and trade...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1987)
September 1987
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1988
January 1988
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Initiative 2050: The Future of the National Capital Region and It's Federal Establishment
August 1989
Massachusetts Institute of Technology/NCPC
Initiative 2050 was a 24-month regional collaborative program to look forward to the year 2050 and identify the major trends, changes, and influences which...
The Federal Triangle Development
October 1989
Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in association with Ellerbe Becket Architects
The Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation selected this firm’s development proposal for what became the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade...
Initiative 2050: A Challenge of Choice
November 1989
This brochure describes Initiative 2050, a major effort NCPC undertaken with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to identify the major trends, changes,...
The Avenue Report
April 1990
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
This newsletter reported on the Federal Triangle development and archeological findings; the American Institute of Architect’s Citation for Excellence in...
Scenarios for a Successor to the PADC (memorandum)
November 1990
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
This memorandum on succession discussions noted that a resolution supporting “an independent, modified PADC [Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation] as...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1990)
December 1990
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
In addition to a detailed financial statement, the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation reported on several development projects, including Pennsylvania...
Dedication Ceremonies: Indiana Plaza
December 1990
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Parcel 457-C Development Site Prospectus
June 1991
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
This is the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation’s prospectus for a development along 7th Street, NW (also see Foldout). The resultant project added...
An Act to amend the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972 to authorize appropriati
December 1991
One-Hundred-Second U.S. Congress
Public Law 102-219 provided Fiscal Year 1992 appropriations for the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC), whose authorization would have expired...
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1992)
September 1992
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
An Act to authorize additional appropriations for implementation of the development plan for Pennsyl
October 1992
One-Hundred-Second U.S. Congress
Public Law 102-439 authorized Fiscal Years 1993 and 1994 appropriations for Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC), whose authorization was...
Pennsylvania Avenue: An American Place
January 1993
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
Fact Sheet
December 1993
National Capital Planning Commission
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Annual Report (1994)
September 1994
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
U.S. Government Manual (Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation excerpt)
July 1995
U.S. Government Printing Office
An Act Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a downpayment toward a balanced budget, an
January 1996
One-Hundred-Fourth Congress
An Act Making appropriations for fiscal year 1996 to make a further downpayment toward a balanced bu
April 1996
One-Hundred Fourth U.S. Congress
Public Law 104-134 provided that Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation funding from “prior years shall be available for operating and administrative...
Memorandum of Agreement among the General Services. Administration, National Park Service and NCPC
August 1996
U.S. General Services Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior, NCPC
This agreement clarified agency roles related to development in the Pennsylvania Avenue area [as defined in 40 U.S.C. 871(f))], following Public Laws 104-99...
Extending the Legacy: Planning American's Capital for the 21st Century
November 1997
National Capital Planning Commission
This plan, like the L'Enfant and McMillan Plans before it, provided a long-term vision for how the nation's capital will grow and develop. The Legacy Plan...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1998
January 1998
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 1999
January 1999
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2000
January 2000
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Washington Geographical Information System Consortium Strategic Plan
February 2000
The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) was the main planning body and had an important role in creating and acquiring paper maps with geographic data...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2001
January 2001
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Memorials and Museums Master Plan
September 2001
NCPC, U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
This plan identified, described, and evaluated 100 of the most suitable sites that sponsors could use when examining potential locations for future...
Designing for Security in the Nation’s Capital
October 2001
National Capital Planning Commission
In response to the unsightly security features erected after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, this report guided the design of future security features in...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2002
January 2002
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
An act to revise...general and permanent laws, related to public buildings, property, and works...
August 2002
One-Hundred-Seventh U.S. Congress
Public Law 107-217 updated and consolidated federal public building legislation into Title 40 of the U.S. Code. A new Chapter 67 specified that NCPC “is...
National Capital Urban Design and Security Plan
October 2002
National Capital Planning Commission
This plan guided the design of contextually sensitive physical security features in Washington’s monumental core and introduced a “kit of parts” for...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2003
January 2003
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2004
January 2004
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2005
January 2005
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2006
January 2006
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Historic Preservation Amendment Act of 2006
July 2006
Council of the District of Columbia
This legislative Act amends the Historic Landmark and Historic District Protection Act of 1978 to add protection for archaeological sites, to amend the...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2007
January 2007
National Capital Planning Commission
Spring Quarterly 2007
  • Flooding (page 2)
  • Capitals Alliance (page 4)
  • Framework Symposium (page 5)
  • CityVision...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2008
January 2008
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Quarterly Review of Commission Proceedings 2009
January 2009
National Capital Planning Commission
NCPC produced and distributed the Quarterly Review to provide the public with information about the Commission’s activities. Each report included a summary...
Monumental Core Framework Plan: Connecting New Destinations with the National Mall
April 2009
NCPC & U.S. Commission of Fine Arts
The Framework Plan provided in-depth analysis and tools to advance the Legacy Plan's goals (see link) to relieve development pressure on the National Mall;...
CapitalSpace: Ideas to Achieve the Full Potential of Washington's Parks and Open Space
April 2010
NCPC, NPS CFA, D.C Government
CapitalSpace addressed the challenges of a substantial park and open space system that serves local and national visitors, with a quality and capacity that...
Memorial Trends & Practice in Washington, DC
July 2012
National Capital Planning Commission
This report, prepared in consultation with the National Park Service and the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, provides context about the commemorative planning...
SW Ecodistrict Plan: A Vision for a More Sustainable Future
January 2013
NCPC, DC Office of Planning
This plan is a long range, comprehensive approach to transform a 110-acre, isolated federal precinct into a well-connected, mixed-use neighborhood, workplace,...
The Height Master Plan for Washington, DC
November 2013
National Capital Planning Commission
The study explored potential strategic changes to the Height Act that could protect national interests, including views to and from iconic institutions and...
The SW Ecodistrict 10th Street, SW and Banneker Connection Concepts
December 2015
This study developed concepts for a vibrant, mixed-use corridor from Independence Avenue, SW along 10th Street, SW which featured an inviting pedestrian...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Action Plan (2016)
February 2016
This document “contains specific projects to advance the Commission’s vision and set in motion the necessary steps to activate the plan’s goals and...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Federal Environment (2016)
February 2016
This updated Comprehensive Plan element provided a policy framework that “preserve(d) and enhance(d) the quality of the region’s natural resources to...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Federal Workplace (2016)
February 2016
This updated Comprehensive Plan element provided a policy framework to “(l)ocate the federal workforce in a way that enhances the efficiency, productivity,...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Urban Design (2016)
February 2016
This new Comprehensive Plan element established policies to “improve the public realm…and Washington, DC’s role as a capital city.” The Comprehensive...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Visitors & Commemoration (2016)
February 2016
This updated Comprehensive Plan element provided policies to “improve the visitor experience in a way that showcase(d) the institutions of American culture...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Foreign Missions & International Organ
February 2016
This updated element provided a planning policy framework to “secure a welcoming environment for the location of diplomatic and international activities in...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Historic Preservation (2016)
February 2016
This updated element provided policies to “preserve, protect, and rehabilitate historic properties in the National Capital Region and promote design and...
Not Set in Stone: Memorials for the Future
February 2016
NCPC and Van Allen Institute
This document highlights key findings from the Memorials for the Future initiative, an ideas competition to reimagine the way we think about, feel, and...
Pennsylvania Avenue Initiative Economic and Real Estate Market Analysis
April 2016
HR&A Advisors, Inc.
This analysis provided an assessment of current and projected market conditions of the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor between the White House and U. S. Capitol...
Memorandum of Agreement…Regarding Chancery Development at the Foreign Missions Center
February 2017
NCPC, U.S. Department of State
This agreement between the U.S. Department of State (State) Office of Foreign Missions and NCPC stipulated the process and criteria for reviewing future...
Pennsylvania Avenue Initiative Urban Design Analysis
September 2017
This analysis summarizes the development history of the Pennsylvania Avenue corridor between the White House and U. S. Capitol Building and analyzes its...
National Capital Region Federal Parking Study
October 2017
NCPC, U.S. Department of Transportation John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
This automobile parking study informed future transportation policies, shaping federal facility development and regional transportation patterns. As part of...
Flood Risk Management Planning Resources for Washington, D.C.
January 2018
NCPC and D.C. Silver Jackets
This guide provided a short summary of key flood risks in the National Capital Region, an overview of recent studies and tools that address flood risks, and...
The Freeway Revolt and the Coming of Metro
October 2018
Richard F. Weingroff
This monograph chronicled the twentieth century development of Washington’s mass transportation system. It particularly captured the paradigm of increased...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Parks & Open Space (2018)
December 2018
This updated element provided policies to protect and enhance the region’s “parks and open space system to provide educational, recreational, ecological,...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Transportation (2020)
September 2020
This updated element supported “the development and maintenance of a multimodal transportation system that meets the needs of federal workers, residents, and...
Transportation Management Plan Handbook (2021)
August 2021
NCPC, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, U.S General Services Administration
This updated handbook outlined the Transportation Management Plan (TMP) process for federal campuses and installations. A TMP is a...
Pennsylvania Avenue Vision and Concepts
April 2022
In StoryMap format, NCPC released a new vision for Pennsylvania Avenue, NW with three concepts that explored ways to elevate the Avenue as a venue, modernize...
Workplace Scenario Planning Study
February 2024
Schreifer Group, HR&A Advisors Inc., and Wells + Associates
This scenario planning study explored the cumulative impacts of federal telework and hybrid workplaces on the National Capital Region. NCPC commissioned it...
Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital Federal Elements: Introduction (2024)
June 2024
This document introduced the planning framework for the Comprehensive Plan’s Federal Elements. The Comprehensive Plan drives NCPC’s mission and work...
Beyond Granite: Key Findings Report
January 2025
Dr. Elizabeth Morton
Developed to inform future iterations of the Beyond Granite initiative, this report offered lessons from Beyond Granite: Pulling Together, a pilot exhibition...
National Capital Planning Commission #NCPCat100